WWII Soviet Airborne Forces

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WWII Soviet Airborne Forces

Availability : In stock

Item number : 52357

Reference : AL100043

EAN code : 3666793409344

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : Russia

Period : World War II

189 € Quantity

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- Head sculpture 
- Male body
- Hands x3
- Boat hat
- Paratrooper hat
- Windproof mirror
- Uniform coat
- Uniform pants
- Jumpsuit
- Leather boots
- Camouflage top
- Camouflage pants
- Belt
- Gas mask bag
- Paratrooper knife
- Backpack
- Kettle
- MP-40 Submachine gun
- MP-40 Submachine gun clip x6
- MP-40 Bullet bag x2
- DP-28 Light machine gun
- DP-28 Light machine gun cartridge
- DP-28 Ammunition drum x3
- Bullet drum kit
- Grenade bag
- Antitank grenade x3
- Medal x2
- Cap Badge
- Epaulet

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