Wes Worthy

Dragon Action Figure

Wes Worthy

Availability : Sold out

Item number : 703

Reference : DRF70284

EAN code : 3666793338767

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : Great britain

Period : World War II

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Wes Worthy - British Commando Sniper, No.6 Commando, Normandy 1944

Uniform :
Camouflage Windproof Smock - Commando Beret - Pullover Undershirt - British 37-pattern BD Uniform Trousers '06 - Camouflage Windproof Trousers - Filet individuel de Camouflage - Trousers Suspender - British Ammunition Boots - British 37-pattern Cloth Anklets

Equipment :
Bandolier for Enfield Ammunition Clips - Leather cover for No.32 scope - British Officer Mapcase - Pouch for No.32 Rifle Scope - Telescope

Weapons :
Magazine for Lee Enfield - Lee Enfield Stripper Clip Ammunition - "Lee-Enfield No.4(T) Sniper Rifle with New Cheekpiece" - No.32 Scope

Others :
NEO Male body - Men Hands - New character head - Clear stand mount

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