Slavko JURIC
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 1538
Reference : D80013
EAN code : 3666793333816
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Germany
Period : World War II
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Did - Slavko JURIC
Cloth insignias - Handschar collar tabs - SS Sleeve eagle - Corporal chevron - SS Edelweiss - Bendable hands - Fez - field service version - Blurred edge SS camo helmet cover - blurred edge SS camo smock - Mountain troop field trousers - M43 field tunic - M43 field trousers - Mountain troop rucksack Fabric with leather trimming and belts - SS Camo Zeltbahn is included - Mountain climping rope - M31 bread bag with full interior detail fabric - Gas mask cape carrier fabric - Mountain troop legging fabric and metal - Metal M40 helmet with leather liner double decal - Black K98k ammunition pouches leather - M31 canteen with bakelite cup metal - Standard M31 canteen with aluminium cup metal - M31 mess kit metal - Mountain climbing ice axe wood and metal - Ice axe brown leather cover - non folding entrenching tool metal - M31 gas mask canister metal - M24 stick grenade with detachable fragmentation sleeve wood and metal - M39 egg grenade x 2 - Mountainclimbing pitons - K98 sniper rifle w/4 power turret mount sniper scope wood and metal - K98 rifle stripper clips with removable rounds x 6 sets brass and aluminium - Leather rifle sling with functionnal metal buckle - Mountain boots - Did model F body