Mr. Bean


Mr. Bean

Availability : Sold out

Item number : 35478

Reference : A018

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : Great britain

Period : Entertainment

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We may have a replenishment of this item, however, we have no date or guarantee that this is the case.

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- Smiley headsculpt
- Surprised headsculpt
- Hand type ×9
- Standard 1/6 body
- Suits
- White shirt
- Red tie
- Trousers
- Grey shorts
- Socks ×2
- Belt
- Leather shoes ×2
- Bear toy
- suitcase
- Turkey
- Steering wheel
Fabio le 12/02/2022
Salve mi contattate quando la figura è disponibile?vorrei acquistarla.grazie
de l'équipe le 14/02/2022

As it's wrote on our website, we never know if we will have an item in stock again or not.

You can add your email alert to be warned if ever it is.

Best regards,
Fabio le 18/01/2022
Salve volevo essere informato quando esce la figura di mr bean e sapere il prezzo.grazie
de l'équipe le 19/01/2022

As it's wrote on our website, we don't have more informations than the release date on the product page.
Price are made when the item is available.

Best regards,
Fabio le 10/12/2021
Salve volevo sapere quando esce la figura di mr bean e il costo.gradie
de l'équipe ... le 13/12/2021
Data disponibilità : 4° trimestre 2021
L'allerta articoli sfusi è stata registrata per questo prodotto.

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