Modern Battlefield : End War Ghost - Zimo


Modern Battlefield : End War Ghost - Zimo

Availability : In stock

Item number : 50469

Reference : FS-73049

EAN code : 3666793385228

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : China

Period : Entertainment

183 € Quantity

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- Head eagle
- Constitution
- Tops
- Pants
- Belt
- Shoes
- Helmets
- Shoulder armor x2
- Elbow protectors x2
- Arm armor x2
- Thigh armor x2
- Knee pads x2
- Calf armor x2
- Explosion-proof A
- Rifle magazine bag x3
- Toolkit
- Backpacks
- Waistband
- Crotch protector
- Tactical Leg Straps
- Pistol magazine bag x2
- Tactical leg pack
- Glasses
- Headset
- Walkie talkie
- Fluorescent rods x3
- Signal rod x2
- Safety buckle
- Tourniquet
- Signal light
- Tape
- Badge
- Armbands x2
- Backpack badge
- Tiger Emblem
- Dagger
- Dagger Set
- Rifle
- Rifle clip x4
- Rifle sight
- Rifle belt
- Pistol
- Pistol clip x2
- Pistol holster
- Grenade
- Glove hands x2
- Skin hands x4
- Fattening lining
- Bracket

Alain M. le 28/05/2024 Verified buyer

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