Marius Heer Panzer Crewman
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 409
Reference : DRF 70274
EAN code : 089195702746
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Germany
Period : World War II
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KURSK 1943 (60th Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk)
Uniform : M40 Panzer Field Cap - Panzer Crew Uniform with Liner & Inside Details - Armoured Crew Overalls Panzerkombi - Field Shirt - Panzer Crew Uniform Trousers - German Ankle Boots.
Equipment : Wehrmacht Waist Belt - Throat Microphone - P-38 Holster - Headphones -
M1935 Map Case.
Weapons : P-38 - MP40 Submachine Gun.
Insignia : Panzer Assault Badge - Collar Tabs - National Emblem - Sleeve Patch -Wehrmacht Panzer Shoulder Tabs