Lucas us army 10th mountain
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 385
Reference : 21667
EAN code : 3666793341125
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : USA
Period : Modern
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The 10th Mountain Division of the US Army is a rapid deployment Light Infantry Division presently stationed at Fort Drum. The division was formed in 1943 and has been active since and in the past decade this unit has been involved in more deployments than any other unit in the Army. These include involvement in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The philosophy of the 10th is to be deployed by strategic airlift and to deploy with personnel and equipment on hand at the time of notification.
Uniform : Digital camo ACU - Advanced Combat Helmet - Danner's combat shoes.
Equipment : Digital camo Interceptor body armor - Tan Chest webbing - Three hands with gloves - Radio with head set - Sun glasses - Anti dust goggles.
Weapons : Full equiped M4 Carbine - Surfire - Irad 600 - Push dagger - Combat knife -