Lev Vassilievich Pavlov, Soviet Naval Infantry Aidman, Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol 1942 (Sanitarniy)
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 381
Reference : DRF-70548
EAN code : 089195705488
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Russia
Period : World War II
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Box slightly damaged
This article is a deposit sale, which means that it belongs to a private collection. It is sold by a third party reseller but send and verified by Machinegun.fr. Unless differently mentioned on the product sheet, this article is new and without any missing parts. All details about de condition of this article are mentioned on the product sheet. Please read the details carefully. In case you have any doubt about the condition of the article, or in case you give a lot of importance to the seals or other details, you can contact us by email in order to get more information.
- Navy Cap w/ Black Sea Fleet Cap Tally New
- Navy Enlisted Pea Jacket New
- Navy Trousers New
- Navy Infantry "Telnyashka" Striped Pullover Shirt
- Soviet Sapogi Boots NP05
- PPsh41 Drum Pouch (Cloth)
- Small Triangular Compressed White Bandage 1
- Small Triangular Compressed White Bandage 2
- Gauze Bandage
- Iodine Swabs
- Ammonia Aromatic Spirit
- Small First Aid Dressing
- Water Bottle Cover
- Water Bottle NP05
- Navy Belt New
- Medical Pouch New
- PPsH-41 w/Drum Magazine
- Soviet Red Star Cap Insignia
- Red Star for Pea Jacket lower sleeves New
- NEO Male body
- Men Hands with Gloves
- New character head New Sculpture
- Clear stand mount