kurt kepplinger

Dragon Action Figure

Kurt kepplinger

Availability : Sold out

Item number : 371

Reference : DRF 70406

EAN code : 3666793341224

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : Germany

Period : World War II

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German Abwehr Commando

Bataillon "BRANDEBURG"


Uniform : Wehrmacht M34 Forage Cap - NKVD Border Troops Peaked Cap - Stahlhelm M35/40 Helmet (Metal) - M40 Field Blouse (Wehrmacht Schutze) - Shirt - Red Army M1935 Gymnastiorka (Private) - M37 Trousers - Langehosen - Soviet Officer Service Breeches - Marching Boots - Soviet Sapogi Boots.

Equipment : PPSH41 Drum Pouch (Cloth) - Wehrmacht equipment belt - Soviet EM belt - Flashlight - BN gas mask bag - Water bottle and cover - Binoculars and binocular case with shoulder strap.

Weapons : RGD-33 Grenade - PPD 34/38 NEW!!! - PPD 34/38 Drum Magazine.

Insignia : Wehrmacht National Emblem - Collar Tabs (Wehrmacht Infantry: Private) - Tresse Braid on collar - Collar Tabs (Sergeant) - Shoulder Tabs (Heer - Feldwebel)

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