Janos - Tank Hunter
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 324
Reference : DRF-70299
EAN code : 089195702999
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Germany
Period : World War II
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Eastern Front 1944
German tank Hunter
Panzergrenadier 51,
Uniform : M43 field blouse - summer version (with insignia and shoulder boards) - field shirt - M43 pants - ankle boots with gaiters - M42 metal helmet.
Equipment : Y harness - Battle pack A frame and bag - M44 breadbag - folding shovel with carrier - M38 gas mask canister - M31 water bottle - M31 mess kit.
Weapons : Kar98k - 10 ammo clips - Ammo pouches - Tellermine 35 - M24 stick grenade - S84/98 bayonet with scabbard

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