Nationality : Italy
Period : Antique
Valerius from Gallia Lugdunensis : Roman Legionary - Legio XIV Gemina
Celtic horned helmet
Imperial Gallic Helmet
Armored Belt Cingulum Militare with Pugio dagger
Red Scarf Focale
Roman Centurion Tunic (Purple)
Trousers Bracae
Sandals Caligae (Brown)
Cape (Red)
Armour Lorica Segmentata
Shield Scutum
Javelin Pilum
Caucasian Male Hands
Sword Gladio
Coolus helmet
Valerius nude body
Black wood table with white tablecloth and Pacific map
Sweater (Grey)
RPzBgr 4322 hollow Charge with box
Die Cast Display Stand (Black)