Female Agent Set (Red)

PP Toys

Female Agent Set (Red)

Availability : Sold out

Item number : 42449

Reference : P002B

EAN code : 3666793063416

Type : Accessories

Period : Entertainment

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We may have a replenishment of this item, however, we have no date or guarantee that this is the case.

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Body and headsculpt not included

- Necklace
- Black Bra
- Red Bress
- Underarm Tactical Black Dermal Pistol Holster
- PPK Pistol
- PPK Pistol Muffler
- Stockings
- Windbreaker
- Scarf
- High-Heeled Shoes

Hades le 06/12/2021
Will you be getting anymore of these in stock, please let me know friend
de l'équipe le 07/12/2021

As it's wrote on our website, we never know if we will have an item in stock again or not.

You can add your email alert to be warned if ever it is.

Best regards,

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