Fa-18 hornet aviator
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 208
Reference : HTFA18
EAN code : 3666793342405
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : USA
Period : Modern
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Uniform : CWU-27/P flight suit - CSU-15/P Anti-G Suit - CSU-17/P MA-2 torso harnesses - Survival vest - LPU-23/P life preserver - T-shirt.
Accessories : HGU-68/P Tactical Aircrew (TACAIR) helmet - MBU-20/P oxygen mask - Chest mounted regulator - AN/PRC-90-2 survival radio - Pilot boots - Water bottle - Sun glasses - Pocket knife -Shroud knife - Mk-79 pen flares and launcher - Mk-13 Mod 0 Signal Flare - Military Whistle -Angle head flashlight - Garrison Hat - Grey cotton skull cap - Helmet bag - Leg garters - Flight gloves -Patches