Dietrich KOPPE
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 1530
Reference : DRF70379
EAN code : 3666793332871
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Germany
Period : World War II
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1/6 "Dietrich Koppe", Jagdpanther Commander, Schwere Panzerjager, Abteilung 654, Normandy, July 1944 (Feldwebel)
Uniform : M43 Field Cap (Heer - "Trapezoid") - Splinter Camo Panzer Jacket - Field Shirt - HBT Panzer Unifrom Trousers - Splinter Camo Panzer Uniform Trousers - Lace up German Ankle Boots New Pattern 05'
Equipment : Wehrmacht Binocular Case (Leather) - Wehrmacht Equipment Belt - New Sunglasses - P-38 Holster - Headphones - M1935 Map/Dispoatch Leather Case New Pattern 05 - Telescope w/ cap - Throat Microphones
Weapon : Walther P-38
Insignia : 1939 Iron Cross (Second class) Ribbon - 1939 Iron Cross (First class) Medal - Square "Pip" - Collar Patches (Wehrmacht Panzer) - Wehrmacht National Emblem (Panzer) - Shoulder Tabs (Heer Panzer - Feldwebel)
Other : NEO Male body - Male Hands with Gloves - New character head