dietrich graf

Dragon Action Figure

Dietrich graf

Availability : Sold out

Item number : 180

Reference : DRF 70249

EAN code : 089195702494

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : Germany

Period : World War II

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Uniform :
Heer M43 Field Cap - M43 Field Blouse (Wehrmacht Hauptfeldwebel) - Shearling jacket (New) - M43 Trousers, Keilhosen - Ankle Boots (Brown) w/ gaiters.

Equipment : MP40 Ammunition Pouch (Left) - Wehrmacht Equipment Belt - P-38 Holster.

Weapons : Walther P-38 - MP40 Submachine Gun - P-38 Magazine - MP40 Magazine.

Insignia : 1939 Iron Cross (Second class) Ribbon - Close Combat Clasp in Bronze - German Cross in Gold - Infantry Assault Badge - 1939 Wound Badge in Black - Collar Tabs (Wehrmacht Infantry: Schutze) - Wehrmacht National Emblem - Shoulder Tabs (Wehrmacht Paznergrenadier: Hauptfeldwebel) - Tresse Braid on collar - Tresse Braid on sleeves (Hauptfeldwebel).

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