British Expeditionary Force - Charles Blackie Black
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 141
Reference : DRF70516
EAN code : 089195705167
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Great britain
Period : World War II
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Uniform : British MkII Helmet - British 37-pattern BD Uniform Jacket - Pullover Undershirt - British 37-pattern BD Uniform Trousers - British Ammunition Boots - Gaiters.
Equipment : Bandolier for Enfield Ammunition Clips - British 37-pattern Ammo Case - 37-Pattern Waistbelt - 37-Pattern Braces - Water Bottle Strap - Haversack - Drinking Mug- Groundsheet - Anti-Gas Cape - MkVI Respirator Bag - P1907 Mk II Sword Bayonet - Entrenching Tool (1939) Carrier - P1907 MK I Sword Scabbard w/ Frog - Entrenching Tool (1939) - British Water Bottle.
Weapons : Magazine for Lee Enfield - Lee Enfield Stripper Clip Ammunition - SMLE No. 1 MKII Rifle.
Insignia : Royal West Kent Regiment (helmet marking) - Royal West Kent Regiment Shoulder Insignia