
Dragon Action Figure


Availability : Sold out

Item number : 29

Reference : DRF 70131

EAN code : 3666793343747

Type : Complete figures

Nationality : Germany

Period : World War II

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Gebirgsjäger Division,


A 4-in-1 set issued to celebrate Dragon's fifth anniversary of 12" figure production. It can be dressed as Gebirgsjager, Sniper, Ski-jager or Alpine Scout.

Uniform : Bergschuhe mountain cap with white cover - Stahlhelm M35/40 helmet - M40 fied blouse - windjacket - Two-piece snow suit jacket - M1936 Berghosen trousers - Two-piece snowsuit trousers - Grey neck scarf - Toque - Socks - Bergschuhe mount boots with puttees.

Equipment : Snowshoes - M1931 Gebirgsjager rucksack with white cover - Ski poles - skis - Crampons - Horizontal & vertical pitons - Piton hammer - Carabiners (O ring) - Ice pick - Rope - Snow goggles - Trigger mittens - Wehrmacht equipment belt - Combat suspender - M31 breadbag - M38 gas mask canister - M31 mess kit- e-tool and carrier - Gebirgsjager water bottle - Kar98k ammo pouches - MP-40 ammo pouches - S84/98 bayonet scabbard - 50mm Leichter Granatwerfer 36 ammo case.

Weapons : Gewehr 33/40 rifle - Kar98k rifle - MP40 SMG - 50mm Leichter Granatwerfer 36 with 36 mortar round - S84/98 bayonet .

Insignia : Iron Cross (2nd Class) ribbon - Infantry assault badge - Gebirgsjaer sleeve badge - Mountain Guide badge - Shoulder tab - 1939 wound bad in black - Edelweiss medal

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