24th Regiment Of Foot South Wales Borderers Rorke's Drift 1879 - Private Williams
Availability : Sold out
Item number : 1227
Reference : K80053
EAN code : 870454001805
Type : Complete figures
Nationality : Great britain
Period : Empire
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Private Williams, 24th Regiment of Foot "South Wales Borderers", Rorke's Drift 1871
If you want William without sandbags click here
Weapons : Martini-Henry Mark II rifle (Wood and metal) - Pattern 1876 Socket Bayonet w/Scabbard (metal)
Uniform : Pith helmet (Round peaked version) - 5 button scarlet serge frock, with General Service buttons - Dark blue, high backed trousers with a scarlet welt running down the outside of each leg - Army issue 'Greyback'shirt - Braces - Black lace up gaiters fastened by a buckle at the top - Boots
Equipment : 1871 Valise Equipment - Waist belt w/24th buckle - Ammo pouches (x2) - Ball bag - Brace straps - Bayonet frog - Haversack - Italian (Oliver) water bottle w/Buff leather carriage - Rifle sling (buff leather) - Zulu shield - Sandbags (x6)
Insignia : 24th épaulette numerals - Sphinx collar badges - 24th other ranks helmet plate

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